Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 71

Well, I have not posted lately because from time to time Lauren would get a bit too sleepy for me, then be great.  So, I was afraid to report great news and then something be wrong again.  Silly, but true.

True to my instincts Lauren's sleepiness got heavier and her head circumference increased too much to be comfortable.  But to top it off she threw up last night, so I knew immediately something wasn't right with the shunt.  After x-rays, blood work and ultra sounds it was determined that her shunt isn't draining properly because the tip of the catheter in her heart is in a bit too far. 
With a VA shunt they want the tip to drain  into the right atrium, which is an area of low pressure.  However right now it is draining into a ventricle in the aorta that is pumping into the lungs, which is an area of high pressure.  So a little physics lesson-it won't work here...  

Tomorrow morning Lauren will go into surgery to have the catheter shortened.  They will not have to go into brain end of shunt, just working with the veins and/or arteries.   A surgeon that specializes with these arteries will work alongside Dr. Tulipan the neuro surgeon.

Our final day of antibiotics was scheduled for Monday, however they usually like 1 week of post op antibiotics, so it looks like next Wednesday should be her final day of the stuff.  I am really hoping for a discharge shortly after that, but we all know that we have to take it one day at a time.  Patience...

Thanks for the prayers!!!!

I'll keep you all posted on her progress.

LOVE from Lauren and Me;)


  1. Amanda, we have been thinking about you all so much. I don't see how you do it. You are an amazing mother, and you seem to have one super strong baby girl. I can't wait to meet her. You all are in my prayers!

  2. thank you Kim. What a very thoughtful thing to say, means a lot. I just know that God, family, and friends have been by my side this whole time giving me more patience and support than I ever thought possible. Can't wait to introduce her to everyone.

  3. Oh, Little Lauren, you are a spitfire. You have your momma on her toes, and you are so little. I think that means you will be strong and accomplish much in your lifetime!

  4. Will be thinking of you and Lauren! Your girl is such a fighter, and you have such a positive attitude, that's a great thing to have when the pesky shunts play up. Will say a prayer that Lauren is back home very soon. Much love x

  5. ahh, thanks Jaime and ainemc. Yes, she does have me on my toes that's for certain! She is so incredibly strong, so I am sure she will continue to live a strong life:)
