Thursday, November 10, 2011

Shunt Progress

OK, so Lauren is notorious for shunt problems.   This is how her summer went...

Shunt malfunctions:

June 26 - repaired with surgery
July 9- TPA
July 22- TPA
August 11- TPA

sooo when her shunt malfunctioned AGAIN on September 6th, the surgeon and I decided that it was time to try the abdomen again.  So, on September 7th (6 months old)  Lauren had her shunt placed back into her abdomen with no problems.

AND guess what?????

It worked!!!!!  8 weeks later and I can tell you she has been malfunction and infection free!!!!  We are so thrilled for her progress and look forward to many many more weeks, months, and years of things going well for her!


  1. Wooooooo hooooooooooo!!!!! I have been wondering how she was doing!!

  2. I know, I have been so bad... BUT she has been doing great! Thanks.
