Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Moody Monday

Today was a very long strange day.  Lauren was scheduled for her VCUG at 11:00.  By the time they were ready we went in at noon.  When we got back they pulled her pain drip.  Lauren was extremely fussy and gassy...very hard to settle down, which is unlike her, so they pushed some pain meds into her.  Later, I went to change her ostomy bag and saw that her mucus fistula had popped out externally-about four times bigger.  It looked like she had two stomas.  So, no wonder she was uncomfortable:(  I think all of the bearing down from the tummy may have contributed. 

Anyway Lauren has been taking vitamins via her bottle for the last four or five days, which she spits up everytime.  I had mentioned that I thought the vitamins were making her sick to her stomach the nurse wasn't sure.  Then early this morning (Tuesday now) the nurse told me that the vitamins can cause an upset stomach ache...ahhh!  So, in rounds today we will mention it and see if we can figure something out.

So, xray came by to see her stomach from the fistula thing and discovered a massive air bubble in her tummy.  They were trying to suck it out and she threw up everything in her tummy, but was suddenly her perfect little sweet self.  She felt so much better after that.

However the BIGGEST NEWS for the day was that I got to hold Lauren completely in my arms without the hospital pillow for the first time!  Such an amazing bonding moment that I will always remember.  It just suddenly hit me that my baby girl was four weeks old and I got to snuggle right up to her:)  I held on for an hour, then back to the bed.  By far the highlight of it all,  I am so incredibly blessed to have such a strong and beautiful daughter to take care of.