Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On the right track

Lauren had a great weekend!  She got a few x-rays of her old and new shunt sights, came back good.  The old sight is swollen, so they were just precautionary.  The surgeons came by today and said that we just need to keep her elevated as much as possible to help the fluid drain.

Her high blood pressure got her a few ultra sounds and dopplers of her heart and kidneys.  The heart looks great and her kidneys look OK too, just a little blurry (some medical term?).  Anyway, they are going to put her on a small dose of high blood pressure to reduce the stress on her organs.  They expect her to outgrow this sooner than later.  We will stay on top of monitoring her progress and blood pressure checks.

Thursday is Laurens' final day of antibiotics.  They will run some labs this day to get a baseline of her numbers, so if in the future they need to compare it to anything they have that data.  They are going to keep her for observation for a few days.  If all goes well, we have been given a discharge date of Monday.  Lauren will be exactly 8 weeks this day, and would rather do nothing but go home to celebrate with her family;)


  1. Wow, Monday is so close!!! That will be amazing!

  2. I'm so glad she's doing well! I wish I could come by to see you guys this week, but I'm in Philadelphia until Sunday night. I'm following Lauren's progress, though, and am rooting for her to go home on Monday.

  3. Thanks Ladies, we are getting there! Today is day 21 of 21 on antibiotics. They will pull her pic line tomorrow and run some labs. They are going to go ahead and give her her immunization shots too. Thanks to both of you for your great support along the way, it really makes a difference.
