Unfortunately to report nothing has really changed too much. Just waiting.
So, they tapped the shunt today to rule out infections... before trying to move forward with determining treatment...
They currently have A) Blood culture, B) Urine culture, C) Spinal Fluid, D) Blood work for kidney functioning, and (just this moment) E) CT Scan
I have decided that beyond any shadow of a doubt it is quite possible to go crazy in a hospital. Surrounded by four walls, that seem to get smaller each and every day. What is that you are thinking?? "You need to get out of the hospital and take a break!" That's a great idea-EXCEPT... I can't stand the thought of Lauren laying in her bed feeling awful without being close to her. My mind goes crazy obsessing, "What if she throws up and begins to choke on it and nobody notices..." (we're not on monitors now and yes, door could stay open, but????) etc...
I felt myself getting extremely frustrated again today. "Let's just let the baby keep getting sick and wait-no matter how long..." I know that this is not what the team is thinking, but this is absolutely what I felt like. I just kept thinking over and over what is going on?
Her head feels great-not too much pressure. So you can pretty much rule out malfunction.
It could be a shunt infection??? I don't know why, and I may eat my words, BUT I don't feel like it is right now. My husband is putting money on this one though.
Sure the ileus can cause vomiting, BUT this much and ALL the time????
So, I made a list and called doctors in...time for progress, cause this momma is about to have a waterfall shoot from my eyes and frustration shouting-seriously.
Some of the things I asked about was:
*Her weight. She is not gaining and this bothers me. She needs more calories in her fluids...something.
*How can this ileus be causing her to vomit so often and so intensely???
*Is it possible that she has begun a severe case of reflux...??? (the PICU team thought this may be possibility)
*She is sore. I told them about this last night and again in rounds. Lauren typically loves to be picked up and held. Now she screams every time she is moved. Especially when it involves her head/neck and changing her diaper or twisting her lower extremity. This scares me. WHY is she feeling this way????
*Her blood pressure keeps going through the roof. Yes, she has a history of high blood pressure and is being medicated for that BUT why does my 3-4 month old baby have the blood pressure of an adult??? Right now, the last few times its been like 138/80 or 90 something. It's been doing this off and on for 5 days or so. This, has got to stop. Needs to get under control. Lauren has enough to worry about, we don't need to add heart/kidney problems to the list.
(Granted during all of this the doctor was very nice and understanding and listened and I believe going to take some action)
*AND a simple throat and ear examination would make me feel better. Who knows??? (NOTE-They did examine-left ear OK, throat OK, couldn't see in right ear-going to look again later).
Doctor said that they first need to look at CSF results to rule out major things before they move on to figuring out what's going on. So, I am waiting for those results...terrified for some reason. Hopefully, nothing bad is there, but it's taking a while. (See, this is where the hospital crazy is kicking in. I'm beginning to obsess even more...)
So, I have edited this page a couple of times in last twenty minutes by adding new scans and tests being run... I think my "meeting" must have worked. Hopefully I have something to report soon, and even more important that it's good news.
I pray you get some answers soon! Dropped a little something for you and Lauren in the mail today. Hopefully it will come to you by Wednesday or so :)