Thursday, July 28, 2011


Sorry for delay in blog posts-my home pc internet won't load my blog and I don't have wireless internet at home, so I have to wait till I am out and around wifi... Need to get this fixed asap.

Thanks Jamie for the thoughtful package of goodies!!!  And to everyone else that has sent such nice words for our home coming.

Things have been going really well in the McGinnis household.  Lauren has adjusted fantastically.  Her sisters adore her in every way! 

We have been quite busy traveling to doctor appts... and getting her casts to repair her feet.  ut still, wonderful.

Here are some pictures...

and some with her sisters... (please excuse the outfit choices-these were random moments, lol)


  1. I love this so much! I never realized how much she looks like her sisters until I saw her in that black and white dress. I am so happy for you all!!!!

  2. She is such a doll. I am so glad you are enjoying your time at home!
