Monday, June 13, 2011

Things you may not know...

1.  Lauren likes to grunt and whinny just like a horse.  Especially as she is sleeping and is attempting to give a great big stretch or wake up.  Perhaps she will be the next horse whisperer.

2.  She burps loud.  I mean REAL loud.  Like a 14 year old boy trying to impress his buddies.  Let's hope she grows out of this one!

3.  This one's funny, I know it shouldn't be, but it is to me.  When she goes poo or passes gas her bag inflates and it can sometimes be heard across the room.  Giggle, giggle.  I remember when the girls came to stay with me at the hospital for a few days and Lauren was passing lots of gas and I said, "Look who's mommy's tooter pooter."  Well, you can imagine the girls thought it was so funny and thought that should be her nickname.  "No girls we can not nickname your baby sister after poo...sorry."  

4.  Going with the nickname, we decided on "little butterfly" since that's what kept popping out of my mouth when I would talk to her.  The girls were very thrilled and convinced that this was the "one."

5.  When she smiles, it melts me.  Totally and completely.  I am afraid that if she continues to smile this way, she will get away with too much as she gets older.  Scary, very scary.  Love, love, love.

Well, I thought this would be nice to share since so many following and reading are either far away or have not yet gotten the chance to meet her, so now you know a little more about my little butterfly!