Monday, March 28, 2011

3 Weeks Old

 Well, today Lauren started off with high aspirations for her surgery to be Wednesday, BUT a bit later doctors changed minds after labs came back and decided to wait until Friday.  Which, selfishly makes me bummed, but I know it's best for my munchkin.

Occupational and physical therapy came by today and did an initial assessment, which went well.  They showed me some new exercises and stretches to work on daily with Lauren for the time being.  It was a great visit.  they will be by a couple of times each week to personally work with her.

Not only did Lauren turn 3 weeks old today, but got transferred to the room across the hall, which is a bit larger and has a fabulous view with a window.  So, goodbye little cave and hello sunshine!

On anticipated day to go home, I have not heard yet.  If I were to make a guess I would say in about 12 more days???

Talking to mommy

Thinking, hmmm....

My new room


  1. Happy Birthday Lauren! You are beautiful, just like your sisters. I can't wait to meet you!

  2. Mommy finally has a little one to pose on command! Her big sisters have a lot of catching up to do :-). I'm so glad that Lauren finally gets to greet the sunshine every day. And Mom can enjoy the benefits, also.

  3. Yeah for a new room! The first stay is soooo hard but it DOES get better :)
