Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy ONE week!

***Be sure to check out my other new video in Saturday link too***

Today Lauren is one week old and doing fantastic!  She slept all morning, woke up just enough to take bottle and burp.  Since her noon feeding she has been quite lively and listening to some music and her mommy.

Doctors came by and increased her milk again, so that's nice.  Neuro came by and said they will be performing her shunt surgery tomorrow-probably noon/afternoon.  She will more than likely be very cranky before hand cause she will be on a no eat diet (as we all are before surgery).  I have been told that the surgery itself will be about 30 minutes, but by the time anesthesiology gets their stuff completed it will be a little while.  I'll be sure to keep this blog updated once she goes to and from surgery and her recovery.  If you would like more info on shunts you can visit this link: and

I'll post a video later today or tomorrow of the little butterfly:)

Plastics came by and redressed and cleaned the skin grafts on her abdominal sides (love handle area).  About 2/3 of the upper part is taking VERY well, the bottom portion is doing OK, but nothing to be concerned about.  She seemed pleased.  The graft sites in her thighs are healing extremely well.  These can be cleaned and changed daily now.

Her spinal incision is now exposed since they changed all the dressings.  It looks really great.  Nice and straight-maybe about 4 inches long from the center of her back all the way to the bottom of her spine just above her little bum.

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