Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sister Saturday

Today Lauren got to meet her biggest fans-Taylor and Peyton.  It was really nice seeing them together.  Of course Lauren didn't want to open her eyes for them.  Even after they tickled her armpit, played This Little Piggie, and sang Itsy Bitsy Spider.  Very entertaining to mommy, but not quite enough to wake up the sleepy head.  After that her nanny, Aunt Gina, and Uncle Jeff got to visit as well-they got lucky enough to see both eyes for a minute.

Today Lauren got her milk amount increased and did very well with each feeding-she is a very gassy baby but happy baby.  They took her off pain meds at 2:00 and is doing wonderful still.  They expect her to have shunt surgery for the hydrocephalus Monday.


  1. I love the pics. The girls must have been thrilled to see both you and their new baby. She looks great ....each day is amazing how she changes....I love you all

  2. Ashley says: Awwwwww! Hello my three cousins! I love you! Taylor and Peyton: I hope you had a good time touching the baby! She is so pretty and I can't wait to see her. I hope someday soon I can hold her! Love you!!

  3. Thanks Adrianna.

    Ashley, Lauren can't wait for you to hold her too;) The girls too would like for you to be with them.

  4. Taylor and Peyton LOVED watching 'their' video. I showed it to John tonight also and he thinks Lauren is a real beauty. It was so fun to watch the girls so very excited to meet Lauren.
