Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday April 5th

I guess overnight Lauren's mucous fistula came out more. They came by to try something and it didn't work so they are contacting the surgeon for further input.  It really looks like we will be heading back to surgery to fix...  I'll be sure to keep you posted.  More to follow later.

***When the osotmy was performed the colon (end of intestinal area) was cut in half.  One end was pulled through to surface of skin through an incision and made a stoma (looks like a balloon end tied and turned inside out).  This is where her bowel movements are made.  About an inch over brought to the surface of the skin through a small incision is the other half of the intestine, called the mucous fistula.  Lauren's was an 1/8 the size of her stoma.  Now, it's 8 times the size of her stoma.  The fistula doesn't do anything.  It's just brought to the surface of the skin, so that when they make the repair they can quickly find both ends to sew back together and place back inside body.***

Urology came late yesterday and said that she did NOT have reflux into her kidneys, which is a very good thing.  However on her first day, she had a swollen kidney.  So, they came today to do an ultra sound of her kidneys to see if there still was any swelling.  It was quite interesting getting the ultra sound images with all of her bandages and dressings...but got it done!  We are still waiting to hear from urology about the images.   His plan though, once the images come back is to take her foley out and begin intermittent catheters every 4-6 hours for a few days to see how much she can empty her bladder on her own.  then, from there come up with a urinary plan for home.

Unfortunately, Lauren's mucous fistula has protruded QUITE a bit more-it's very large.   They are trying some home remedies first before they think about surgery...  First was sugar-didn't work.  Now we are off to witch hazel.  We are waiting for surgeons to come by and administer this method.  If that doesn't work, I am really not sure what will be next.

I got to hold Lauren again today!!!!

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